56 International Game Rules
1. General 56 Game Rules and Objectives
1.1 The object of the game is to obtain a higher score of points than the opposing team at the end of a session or regulation play. Two partnerships of three players each are needed to play 56. A minimum bid of 28 in suits or no-trumps is mandatory for the lead
player, seated to the immediate right of the dealer. This will be followed by bids by other players in turn in a counterclockwise direction up to a maximum bid of 56 in any of the four suits or no-trumps
1.2 The following point scoring system will be maintained for all individual deals, and points will be recorded in score sheets, Cumulative scores will be determined at the end of each session or regulation play.
Chart 1.3
Bid or Contract Points awarded to declaring Points awarded to opponents
Side when contract is made when contract is defeated
From 28 through 39 1 Point 2 Points
From 40 through 47 2 Points 3 Points
From 48 through 55 3 Points 4 Points
56 4 Points 5 Points
- In the event of doubling, one additional point will be awarded. When redoubled, two (2) additional points will be awarded.
2.0 Dealing of Cards
2.1 Cards are to be dealt first by the player determined by the draw. The next deal is to be performed by the player sitting immediately to the right of the dealer and so on. Cards will be dealt four at a time, face down in a counterclockwise direction in two (2) rounds.
2.2 The dealer will shuffle the cards thoroughly using both hands. Table flopping (as is done in the game of Rummy) is not permitted.
2.3 The cards are then offered to the player seated immediately to the left for “cutting”, an action of re-stacking performed by one hand in a single motion. Multiple re-stacking is not allowed.
2.4 Re-Deal of Hands: The following infractions when occur will cause the hand to be re-dealt by the same dealer who caused the constraints:
1. If any card is exposed during the process of the deal.
2. If any player gets more than or less than 8 cards.
3. If a player is dealt all 8 cards in the same suit.
4. If a player is dealt all 8 Jacks.
5. If after the bid and during the play it is discovered that the defending team is collectively void in trumps.
6. Out of turn shuffle will result in reshuffle if detected before the start of the game; i.e., before the first card is played by the leading player.
2.5 At no time, a team together should throw the cards together on the table alleging a violation, when the game is in progress. If any player alleges any violation, every player will hold onto his/her cards until a resolution is made.
3.0 The Bidding (Auction):
All bidding shall be confined to the patterns approved by the framers and shall uphold the spirit of gamesmanship. Indicative bidding, signals, body gestures, diversionary non-bid-dialog/disturbance etc. are not permitted and will attract penalty points as determined by appropriate authority. All arbitration should start at the deal table and a consensus solution between the contesting teams is the best way to resolve any issues.
The Rules Committee shall invoke its authority only when requested by one or both competing teams:
3.1 It is mandatory for the lead player to bid a minimum of 28 in any suit or no-trump. A ‘pass’ by him/her means the bid is ’28 no trumps’. The others can elect to ‘passes or ‘raise the bid’ at their ‘turn’. Bidding ‘turn’ occur in an anticlockwise direction beginning from the lead player. Bid/No Bid is also mandatory for each player at each of his turn. Silence or contemplation by a preceding player shall not be construed as a No-bid.
3.2 Bidding is permitted only at one’s turn. Out of turn ‘bidding’ or out of turn discarding card’ can result in a one-time warning and for subsequent violations a penalty of one (1) point is awarded to the opposing team for each such violation. The issue has to be raised by the opposing team when the violation occurs. An out-of-turn “Double” or “Re-double” bid will also receive the same treatment.
"Double" can change any time and "Redouble" cannot be changed.
3.3 The bidding ends when a player proposes the highest ranked contract. At this time, the ‘bidder’ is allowed a one-time ‘self-raise’ to a higher score ceiling of 40, 48 or 56 in the same ‘suit’. ‘Doubling’ and ‘Redoubling’ are allowed after the self-raise; but no other bidding is allowed.
Rules of Bidding.
(1) Numbers: As in 28 through 56 used with suits and as in 1, 2 etc. used with plus
(2) Suits: Clubs ( ) Diamonds ( ¨ ) Spades ( ª ) Hearts ( © )
(3) Plus: Addition to previous bid. A plus 2 Diamond bid for e.g. after a 29 Spades bid will establish the current bid as 31 Diamonds.
(4) No- trump: Denotes top ranked card of the lead suit wins trick; there is no ruffing.
(5) Noes: This is used to indicate void in the suit bid by the previous bidder; if this becomes the contract, no-trump will be effective.
(6) Pass: Generally used to denote “No Bid”, and to pass the bid to next player. Also used in a convention to denote low-key hand as in “28 Pass”, which when becomes a contract will revert to 28 No-trumps”. It can be used only with Numbers in a bid (e.g. 28 Pass,56 pass etc.) A higher bid of pass with number is permitted. (e.g. 37 pass after a previous bid of 36 spades. If every one passes, it is played as 37 No-trump). Use “Pass” only with certain limitation, please see examples of limitations. A certain order of these terms used in bids is explained below. A maximum of three terms in one bid are allowed, but not necessarily all the combinations. Given below are the bids and its order of the terms that are allowed and will be known as "approved bids".
Approved bids:
1. Number followed by suit - e.g. 28 Clubs
2. Suit followed by number - e.g. Clubs 28 (generally known as reverse bid)
3. Number followed by 'No-trump' - e.g. 28 No-trump
4. Number followed by 'Noes’ - e.g. 28 Noes
5. Number followed by pass -- e.g. 28 Pass
6. Plus, followed by suite... e.g. Plus Diamonds
7. Suite followed by plus... --e.g. Diamond Plus (part of reverse bid)
8. Plus, number, followed by suit - e.g. Plus One/Two Diamonds,
9. Suite followed by plus, number - e.g. Diamond plus one/Two (part of reverse Bid)
10. Plus, number followed by 'Noes - e.g. Plus One Noes
Not approved bids
1. Terms like minus, more, Adhikam Onnu (+1)
2. Plus one Noes/plus No-trump without number at the start of the bidding (very first call)
3 Number, plus followed by Suit…e.g. One plus Diamonds, Two plus Diamonds or one plus Noes
4 Reverse bidding with pass e.g. Pass 28, pass 56 etc.
3.4 To bid in a suit, the bidder must hold at least one card in that suit. Any violation will attract penalties equivalent to violation of Cardinal Rule (see article 3.9)
3.5 No review of bidding will be permitted, except in the case of an immediate bid too feeble to be heard or in the case of a distraction caused by third parties or caused due to mitigating circumstances. In case of dispute, judging committee will rule.
3.6 Pass bids are generally considered as “No Bid” with the exceptions listed above.
3.7 “Double” is considered as a bid. Double does not increase the numeric value of the bid. All other 5 players have the option to
overbid it or any of the 3 players whose team’s bid has been doubled may redouble it at one’s turn. A re-double also signifies end
of the bidding for that particular deal.
3.8 If any player holding a constraining hand as described in article 2.4 fails to disclose this when occurs, the team shall be penalized for violation of “cardinal Rule” as detailed in 3.9.
3.9 If any player holding a constraining hand as described in article 2.4 fails to disclose this when occurs, the team shall be penalized for violation of “cardinal Rule” as detailed in 3.10.
3.10 Cardinal Rule: Each player shall follow through with the same suit “in play”, if the player holds at least one card in the same suit. Obligation discussed in 3.9 above is also added as a part of the cardinal rule.
Review of eight tricks played in the game is allowed at the end of the game. Players must play all eight cards on the table visible to all players and for violation will attract a penalty of one point if objected to by the opposing team. No external referee or umpire will be assigned for any match. The progress of the matches is to be monitored and recorded by the players themselves. If any member is caught violating the ‘cardinal rule’ (defined above), the team shall be penalized by awarding the ‘deal’ and three additional points to the opposing team. ‘Awarding the game’ means one of the following:
(i) If the declaring team has violated the rule, the contract shall be considered defeated
(ii) If the defending team has committed the infraction, the contract will be declared as made.
4.0 Play of the Hand
4.1 After completion of the bidding by auction, a contract is recorded at the table. Play of the hand will now commence. It is recommended that the dealer of the cards ascertains that each player has been given 8 cards before bidding begins.
4.2 Out of turn leading is not allowed. Any infraction in this regard whether intentional or not, can result in a “warning” for the first violation, and after that in a penalty of one (1) point if objected to by the opposing team.
4.3 A card exposed and placed on table cannot be retired and substituted with another card from the same suite unless extenuating circumstances. An Extenuating circumstance is the accidental slip from the hand of a player before a play is commenced or rather a new lead in play is commenced.
4.4 A deal shall not be abandoned once the play has commenced. If the deal sequence is erred unintentionally, it has to be identified prior to the commencement of the play to effect correction. However, the total number of deals in the session has to be maintained for uniformity and game control. Review of closed tricks will not be permitted after a new lead is in play on the table.
4.5 Players of a team can interchange or rotate their seats at anytime during the session, provided that this is affected before the cards are dealt. Any team can opt to interchange all 3 seats with the opposing team after the half way stage of the session. This option will be r restricted to one occurrence during the entire session.
4.6 All players are obligated to identify and opt for reshuffle in the event he is dealt a constraining hand. A constraining hand is non- playable and is characterized by,
1 – the player is dealt all 8 Jacks and 2 - player is dealt 8 cards from the same suite.
Failure to comply will attract a penalty of 3 points besides points awarded for forfeiting the deal(Refer to 3.10- Cardinal Rule).
4.7 Control of the play is the responsibility of both the competing teams. If dispute still persists, Rules Committee will deliver ruling on the dispute. The decision of the Rules Committee shall be final and binding.
4.8 If a player tables two or more cards at one’s turn, it is declaration of claim of all remaining tricks. If the opposing team challenges this claim, they have an option to simulate the play and disprove the claim by using any permutation or combination. If that possibility is established, all those remaining tricks will be claimed en bloc by the challenging team. This however does not affect the status of tricks already won prior to the challenge.
4.9 Any infraction that normally results in a “warning” for the first offence is acceptable in a ‘match’ for all the games except the final game. If the infraction occurs in the final game and is challenged by the other team, it automatically results in a penalty of “1”
point to the offending team (the offending team loses a point.)
5. 0 Scoring:
5.1 At the end of bidding, the designated scorer (usually one player of any team) shall enter the value of the bidding (contract) into the score sheet. The play can commence only after this task is completed.
5.2 At the end of play of each hand, points amassed by each team are counted and compared to the contract. If the contract is made, the requisite number of points as enumerated in chart 1.3 is entered in favor of the declaring team. If the contract is found defeated, requisite points (refer chart 1.3) are entered in favor of the defending team.
5.3 The score sheet shall be accessible to both teams for verification. Score keeper must announce the game score after every six deals and also, at the end of each of the last six deals. At the end of the session the cumulative points scored by each team are tabulated and verified.
5.4 The team scoring highest cumulative total points is declared the winner of the session and will be awarded 3 match points in the preliminary round(League Round).
5.5 If an illegal play ('kallakali') is caught and proved by the opposing team in any rounds, the team who caught the illegal play will win that particular game and an additional 3 points. For example, 40 Clubs is the contract bid by Team A in the 9th game
and Team B caught the illegal play and proved it; Team B will get 3 points for the 40 Clubs contract defeated and an additional 3 points for the illegal play. So for the 9th game, Team B will get 3 + 3 = 6 points. This rule applies for the entire tournament.
Note: Tournament Rule Committee will be the final authority to decide any dispute and the decision by it shall be final and binding on all.
5.6 This is needed from the knock-out stage only. In the preliminary league round, if the total cumulative score for both the teams is the same, each team will get one (1) match point.
5.7. Knock-Out round tie-breaker will be applied as follows: After the stipulated number of games, if the total cumulative points for the both the teams are the same, the game will be continuing for 2 more deals. If the score is still tied, there will be just one more game played after tossing to find the dealer of that game. The toss can be employed by the two captains pulling one card each from the stack of cards. The player pulling the higher value card based on the 56 Rules will be winner of the toss, and he winner of the toss can elect to deal or receive the first deal. The winner of this game will be the winner of that match.
6.0 Group Classifications & Ranking.
6.1 Preliminary League Round: The teams from USA are registered into different “Sections” based on the City/State a team represents. The resident City/State of the captain as provided will be treated as the City/State the team represents. All the teams from outside USA are grouped into another Section named “international”.
6.2 Preliminary League Round: In this round robin league round, each team plays 8 matches, each of 18 shuffles, against another team from another “Section”. A computer selection process will be employed to decide “Who plays against whom” in all these eight matches. This process of drawing the lots will be held soon after the official registration time ends on the first day of the tournament.
6.3 After the preliminary round, teams will be ranked using the following four rank criteria in the order in which they are listed below:
R1. Total Match Points - 3 points for winning, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.
R2. Total capped (capped at 5) score differences earned in the winning games.
R3. Total uncapped score differences earned in winning games.
R4. Total score received in all preliminary rounds (in both winning and losing games).
Note: If two or more teams are tied for the same rank after applying the above R1 criteria, R2 criteria will be applied to determine which team among them gets the higher rank. If the R2 criteria also fails to break the tie, R3 criteria will be applied. If needed, the process continues with the R4 criteria.
1 st Knock-Out Round:
Highest ranked 24 teams will qualify for the Knock-Out stage of the tournament. All the Knock-Out stage games are fixed by
the above ranking. The first 8 highest ranked teams are given a “BYE” in this first round. The Teams ranked 9 through 24 will
be playing in the first stage of the knock-out. The sequential order of all these games for all the remaining stages is given in
the separate sheet already provided.
Round of 16 (Pre-Quater): A game of 18 shuffles
Round of 8 (Quarter Final): A game of 18 shuffles
Round of 4 (Semi-Final): Semi-Finals will be one game of 24 shuffles.
Winners of the Semi-Finals will play for the 56 International Championship by playing “best-of-three” games of 18 shuffles each. The loser is the First Runner-Up Team.
Second Runner-Up:
Semi-Final losers will play for the Second Runner-Up by playing one game of 24 shuffles to decide the winner of Second Runner- up prize. Loser will be declared as the Third Runner-Up.
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