Registration: Each team shall register with the Tournament committee at least one week prior to the commencement of the tournament. A registration fee of $600 per team is payable at the time of arrival for the tournament (cash only). Each team consists of three players whose names must be recorded with the Tournament Committee before the prescribed deadline. One of the players shall be identified as the captain of the team. The same players are expected to represent that team throughout this tournament. In exceptional cases, substitution of one player will be allowed, per team, with the following stipulations:
a. If a player of the team got sick, and the rules committee finds that the player is unable to play, one substitution can be allowed, -- provided:{i) The substituting player must pay the registration fee of $200.
(ii)The substituting player shall not be a member of another team registered in this tournament
b. Upon request, the starting player may return to his/her team, if the rules committee feels that the player is capable of continuing the game. The starting player should give back the $200 to the substituted player. Nevertheless, the player that finishes or ends the game will only be recognized if the team qualifies for any prizes.
The provision of one substitution is not a right or privilege of any team; it is available to a team under exceptional circumstances characterized as medical or personal emergencies or similar and also approval of the officials.
Players are not allowed to change cards during the 18 & 24 shuffles
Teams will be divided into two (2) groups A and B, each group consisting of equal teams. A group team will play to B group team 8 session matches (a session consists of 18 deals) based on a permutation/combination chart prepared by the Tournament Committee.
The ‘draw’ for the matches will be held on Friday before the competition prior to the commencement of the matches. The Rules Committee will apprise the captains of the draw before the matches begin. The details of the draw will be based on the total number of participating teams and same city teams may not play against each other in the preliminary round.
The team captain is responsible for bringing all team players to the ‘competition table’ at least 10 minutes before the scheduled commencement of each match session. A team tardy by more than 10 minutes may be forced to forfeit the match to the opposing team.
Each participant is required to maintain proper decorum during the entire tournament. Due to a high degree of noise level in the hall where the tournament is played, participants are required to refrain from unduly raising their voices or indulging in unnecessary conversation.
No time out during the 18 shuffles except any emergency cases.
The format of the tournament shall be as follows:
3 Point system for the winners
Regulation Session Matches: Each team will play eight (8) session matches during the preliminary round. Winner of each session match will be awarded 3 match points. A tie during regulation play (18 deals) will earn one (1) match point for each team, the tie will be broken by playing one deal and winning team get one more point .This one deal will be deciding by captains of the teams pull a card from the deck and who get the top rank card get the opening for this particular deal. Maximum cumulative match points from 18 deals earned only will qualify the teams to advance to Championship Round consisting of 32 teams. If teams get walk over only earn 3 points , no points difference.
Rules for advancement into the Championship Round: Each team will play eight (8) session matches during regulation match-ups. Each session consists of eighteen (18) deals or hands. The team which amasses a higher cumulative total of points at the end of a session of 18 deals is declared the winner of the session and is awarded three (3) match points. The highest cumulative match points earned at the end of 8 sessions (maximum 18 match points) will qualify the team to advance to the championship round.
Championship Round Matches: These 32 teams will play according to the chart shall pair up to play highest to lowest score team in first playoff round. If two or more teams are still tied at the end of this computation, the tie will be broken by playing two deals and still tie allow one more for advancing into the Championship round.. Winners will play pre-quarter, quarter, semi and final according the chart. The four (4) winners of the quarter final round will face off in the semifinal round. The two unsuccessful teams in the semi-final round will face off to determine 3rd and 4th positions. The two winners will advance into the championship final.
Rules for Advancement in the Championship Round: ( Knock Out )
32 teams who advance into the Championship round shall pair up to play highest to lowest score team for first playoff round based on the ranking system. If two or more teams are still tied at the end of this computation, the tie will be broken by playing two deals and still tie allow one more for advancing into the Championship round, pre-quarter final matches. Each match will consist of a 24-deal session. The winners will advance into the Quarter final. Sixteen teams who have advanced into the pre- quarter will pair up (according to the chart) to play pre-quarter, quarter, semi and final matches. Each match will consist of a 24-deal session. The eight winners will advance into the quarter final. Four teams who have advanced into the semifinals (2) semifinal matches. Each match will consist of a 24 deal session. The two winners will advance into the championship final. The final will be played between the two winning teams in the semi-final match-up in a best-of-three-games 18 deal format. The team, which wins two games of 18 deals, will be declared the winner of the championship. The two unsuccessful teams in the semi-final match-up will play each other in a 24-deal session to determine 3rd and 4th positions.
The following will be the methods used to break a “tie” score at the end of a match in championship round:
At the end of a single session: At the end of a single session of 24 deals, if the score is tied, the teams will continue the game for two more deals. At the end of these two games, if the score is still tied, the tie will be broken by playing just one more game. But, before the start of this deciding game, a suitable draw as agreed by both teams will be used to determine the dealer of cards for this hand.
The cumulative differential score is then computed for all tied teams considering all session matches won. The team with the highest differential score is ranked highest among tied teams and shall be designated for advancement into the next round.
If two or more teams are still tied at the end of this computation, the tie will be broken by playing two deals and still tie allow one more for advancing into the Championship round.
In cases of any disputes, the decision of the Judging committee shall be final and binding. The members of the Judging Committee will be announced before the start of the tournament.
Top 32 highest score team will automatically qualified into the Championship round
Teams are selected based on the ranking system regardless of the group assignment. If two or more teams are tied with the match point score, the tie will be broken based on guidelines given in the Ranking section of the Tournament rules page.
In cases of any disputes, the decision of the Judging committee shall be final and binding. The members of the Judging Committee will be announced before the start of the tournament.
Prizes and accolades are awarded to the winners. The following prizes are declared:
Championship Winners: $2500 Cash prize, Rolling Trophy and individual Championship trophies
First Runner-up: $1500 Cash prize and individual runner-up trophies
Third Place Winner: $1200 Cash prizes
Fourth Place Winner: $1000 Cash prizes
Performance Award: $100 for teams victorious in all 6 session matches
Most Valuable Player Award $100 & Trophy
Web site E-mail : 56 Group E-mail: [email protected]
© Copyright 56 International
a. If a player of the team got sick, and the rules committee finds that the player is unable to play, one substitution can be allowed, -- provided:{i) The substituting player must pay the registration fee of $200.
(ii)The substituting player shall not be a member of another team registered in this tournament
b. Upon request, the starting player may return to his/her team, if the rules committee feels that the player is capable of continuing the game. The starting player should give back the $200 to the substituted player. Nevertheless, the player that finishes or ends the game will only be recognized if the team qualifies for any prizes.
The provision of one substitution is not a right or privilege of any team; it is available to a team under exceptional circumstances characterized as medical or personal emergencies or similar and also approval of the officials.
Players are not allowed to change cards during the 18 & 24 shuffles
Teams will be divided into two (2) groups A and B, each group consisting of equal teams. A group team will play to B group team 8 session matches (a session consists of 18 deals) based on a permutation/combination chart prepared by the Tournament Committee.
The ‘draw’ for the matches will be held on Friday before the competition prior to the commencement of the matches. The Rules Committee will apprise the captains of the draw before the matches begin. The details of the draw will be based on the total number of participating teams and same city teams may not play against each other in the preliminary round.
The team captain is responsible for bringing all team players to the ‘competition table’ at least 10 minutes before the scheduled commencement of each match session. A team tardy by more than 10 minutes may be forced to forfeit the match to the opposing team.
Each participant is required to maintain proper decorum during the entire tournament. Due to a high degree of noise level in the hall where the tournament is played, participants are required to refrain from unduly raising their voices or indulging in unnecessary conversation.
No time out during the 18 shuffles except any emergency cases.
The format of the tournament shall be as follows:
3 Point system for the winners
Regulation Session Matches: Each team will play eight (8) session matches during the preliminary round. Winner of each session match will be awarded 3 match points. A tie during regulation play (18 deals) will earn one (1) match point for each team, the tie will be broken by playing one deal and winning team get one more point .This one deal will be deciding by captains of the teams pull a card from the deck and who get the top rank card get the opening for this particular deal. Maximum cumulative match points from 18 deals earned only will qualify the teams to advance to Championship Round consisting of 32 teams. If teams get walk over only earn 3 points , no points difference.
Rules for advancement into the Championship Round: Each team will play eight (8) session matches during regulation match-ups. Each session consists of eighteen (18) deals or hands. The team which amasses a higher cumulative total of points at the end of a session of 18 deals is declared the winner of the session and is awarded three (3) match points. The highest cumulative match points earned at the end of 8 sessions (maximum 18 match points) will qualify the team to advance to the championship round.
Championship Round Matches: These 32 teams will play according to the chart shall pair up to play highest to lowest score team in first playoff round. If two or more teams are still tied at the end of this computation, the tie will be broken by playing two deals and still tie allow one more for advancing into the Championship round.. Winners will play pre-quarter, quarter, semi and final according the chart. The four (4) winners of the quarter final round will face off in the semifinal round. The two unsuccessful teams in the semi-final round will face off to determine 3rd and 4th positions. The two winners will advance into the championship final.
Rules for Advancement in the Championship Round: ( Knock Out )
32 teams who advance into the Championship round shall pair up to play highest to lowest score team for first playoff round based on the ranking system. If two or more teams are still tied at the end of this computation, the tie will be broken by playing two deals and still tie allow one more for advancing into the Championship round, pre-quarter final matches. Each match will consist of a 24-deal session. The winners will advance into the Quarter final. Sixteen teams who have advanced into the pre- quarter will pair up (according to the chart) to play pre-quarter, quarter, semi and final matches. Each match will consist of a 24-deal session. The eight winners will advance into the quarter final. Four teams who have advanced into the semifinals (2) semifinal matches. Each match will consist of a 24 deal session. The two winners will advance into the championship final. The final will be played between the two winning teams in the semi-final match-up in a best-of-three-games 18 deal format. The team, which wins two games of 18 deals, will be declared the winner of the championship. The two unsuccessful teams in the semi-final match-up will play each other in a 24-deal session to determine 3rd and 4th positions.
The following will be the methods used to break a “tie” score at the end of a match in championship round:
At the end of a single session: At the end of a single session of 24 deals, if the score is tied, the teams will continue the game for two more deals. At the end of these two games, if the score is still tied, the tie will be broken by playing just one more game. But, before the start of this deciding game, a suitable draw as agreed by both teams will be used to determine the dealer of cards for this hand.
The cumulative differential score is then computed for all tied teams considering all session matches won. The team with the highest differential score is ranked highest among tied teams and shall be designated for advancement into the next round.
If two or more teams are still tied at the end of this computation, the tie will be broken by playing two deals and still tie allow one more for advancing into the Championship round.
In cases of any disputes, the decision of the Judging committee shall be final and binding. The members of the Judging Committee will be announced before the start of the tournament.
Top 32 highest score team will automatically qualified into the Championship round
Teams are selected based on the ranking system regardless of the group assignment. If two or more teams are tied with the match point score, the tie will be broken based on guidelines given in the Ranking section of the Tournament rules page.
In cases of any disputes, the decision of the Judging committee shall be final and binding. The members of the Judging Committee will be announced before the start of the tournament.
Prizes and accolades are awarded to the winners. The following prizes are declared:
Championship Winners: $2500 Cash prize, Rolling Trophy and individual Championship trophies
First Runner-up: $1500 Cash prize and individual runner-up trophies
Third Place Winner: $1200 Cash prizes
Fourth Place Winner: $1000 Cash prizes
Performance Award: $100 for teams victorious in all 6 session matches
Most Valuable Player Award $100 & Trophy
Web site E-mail : 56 Group E-mail: [email protected]
© Copyright 56 International